Sunday, June 29, 2008

Thanks for a wonderful RFL event!

I've been slacking a bit in updating here, but I did want to mention that we had a wonderfully successful Relay For Life event yesterday! We raised about 40,000L in just 12 hours, which is a pretty good amount by any standards.

I want to thank my co-host Dwen Dooley and Emiley Tomsen for helping make it a successful and fun time for all! Special thanks to all those who donated prizes to give away! And of course a big thanks to Squeebee Wakawaka for having this great place in SL and letting me run these events!

And of course the most thanks go to you, the MSTies who were able to come by and give some of your hard earned money to a great cause!

Don't forget, just because the event is over, doesn't mean Relay for Life is over. There is still a donation Kiosk waiting outside the SoL, ready to take any Ls you can spare for the cause! For more information on the Relay for Life in Second Life, please visit this webpage!

Push the button, Frank!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Dear Rick Sloane, DIE.

Rick Sloane did it. He really did it. Thereby proving he is an enemy of the people and should be summarily judged and executed for treason to all that is good and decent in this world.

Also, he's back on the crack rock.

Buncha New Rifftrax!

Let's see, since my last RT update they've added:

Alien (I hope they do the sequel as well at some point, if only to see what they do with the 'Game Over' line)
The X-Files
Another one of those Star Trek Fan Series things

As always, check it out over at!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Space Cadet Friday!

Space, the final frontier... These are the voyages of the starship... um.. whatever. It's 3 hour mission, to explore strange bad movies, to seek out new riffs, to boldly say, "Logic? We don't need no steenkin' logic!"

This Friday, at 7pm PDT/SLT it's Space Travellers, starring the irrepressible Gene Hackman as Buzz McSweatsalot. Then at 8:30pm PDT/SLT it's everyone's favorite, Blast Hardnipple, in Space Mutiny!

So come on out, and bring your washing machines. Gene'll fix them for ya. :)