Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Future MST3k Alum Reunions?

Well, the fellows over on Rifftrax have thrown out an open invitation to Joel, Trace, Josh, Frank and Mary Jo to come do Rifftrax with them anytime.


I do hope we get to see Mike and Joel or Trace and Bill or even Kevin and Josh (for instance) some time! That would be so very awesome. Personally, I think Squeebee should use his influence and get Joel, Trace and/or Josh to do this as soon as they have time! (Also he should get them to come on Second Life, but that goes without saying. :P)

In the meantime, the Rifftrax crew has released a couple more 'Trax for us. The Sixth Sense (with Mike Nelson finally returning after a hiatus) and Alien are now available for your downloading pleasure!

And of course don't forget that a new episode of Cinematic Titanic, Doomsday Machine, is available for purchase and download over at http://www.cinematictitanic.com

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