Thursday, May 29, 2008

Rifftrax News

Lots of news from the Rifftrax crew. First, available now for purchase and download is Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers. Additionally, there is another episode of Star Trek The New Voyages fan made series, with Bill and Kevin riffing alone. Then there is a remake of a movie called 'House of Wax' starring Paris Hilton and riffed by a British comedy writer, one Matthew J. Elliott.

Lastly, coming soon is Bill Corbett and Mary Jo Pehl (Crow and Pearl, respectively), riffing the (soon to be) first X-Files feature film.

Extra bonus for those who live in or near San Diego, Mike, Kevin and Bill will be riffing Ed Wood's classic 'Plan 9 From Outer Space' live on July 26th at SD's famous Balboa theater (named after Rocky, no doubt.. he was from San Diego, right? :P).

Anyway, check out the Rifftrax website for more info!

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