Friday, July 11, 2008

Free Film Crew online!

Hey guys, if you haven't had a chance to see one of the 'Film Crew' series with Mike, Kevin and Bill, just added one for your viewing pleasure. Hulu is a really cool free video service made by NBC and has tons of TV shows and movies to watch online. There are commercials, but they are short, 15-30 seconds every 20 minutes or so. Hey, it's free and legal, I'm not complaining. Anyway, here's the Film Crew:

Here's a direct link to the site too, they have better video controls over there. :P

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Myr's Rez Day Friday!

So yay! Friday will be the one year anniversary of the day I shambled newb-like into this world, blinked my doe-like newborn eyes and immediately saw it.. A giant fat guy with boobs and a prim schlong.

To celebrate this day, first, we need puppets that grant your deepest darkest desires. HOBGOBLINS at 7pm PDT/SLT! Then, what evening would be complete without some big fat Kentucky guy? Boggy Creek II: The Crenshawing at 8:30pm PDT/SLT!

Come on out this Friday evening or else! I expect presents. :)

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Since I'm feeling lazy this week, Saturday's double feature will be an audience request show! Come on out and shout out your favorite episode and we'll watch it!

Double feature starts at the usual time, 3pm PDT/SLT!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Interview with Bill Corbett and Double Feature tonight!

First, I drag yet another post from Bill Corbett over here to make all you SL folks aware of an interview he did today with 'Jawbone Radio'. Clicky for a link over to Jawbone for a wonderful interview. They talk about MST3k, of course, Film Crew, Rifftrax and Bill's new movie, Meet Dave.

Secondly, don't forget our double feature tonight beginning at 7pm PDT/SLT will be a USA Rulez theme with Rocket Attack USA and Invasion USA! Come on out for the usual amount of MST giggles!

Finally, on a completely unrelated to MST3k note, this TV spot for Hellboy 2 is absolutely inspired and hilarious:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Future MST3k Alum Reunions?

Well, the fellows over on Rifftrax have thrown out an open invitation to Joel, Trace, Josh, Frank and Mary Jo to come do Rifftrax with them anytime.

I do hope we get to see Mike and Joel or Trace and Bill or even Kevin and Josh (for instance) some time! That would be so very awesome. Personally, I think Squeebee should use his influence and get Joel, Trace and/or Josh to do this as soon as they have time! (Also he should get them to come on Second Life, but that goes without saying. :P)

In the meantime, the Rifftrax crew has released a couple more 'Trax for us. The Sixth Sense (with Mike Nelson finally returning after a hiatus) and Alien are now available for your downloading pleasure!

And of course don't forget that a new episode of Cinematic Titanic, Doomsday Machine, is available for purchase and download over at

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Thanks for a wonderful RFL event!

I've been slacking a bit in updating here, but I did want to mention that we had a wonderfully successful Relay For Life event yesterday! We raised about 40,000L in just 12 hours, which is a pretty good amount by any standards.

I want to thank my co-host Dwen Dooley and Emiley Tomsen for helping make it a successful and fun time for all! Special thanks to all those who donated prizes to give away! And of course a big thanks to Squeebee Wakawaka for having this great place in SL and letting me run these events!

And of course the most thanks go to you, the MSTies who were able to come by and give some of your hard earned money to a great cause!

Don't forget, just because the event is over, doesn't mean Relay for Life is over. There is still a donation Kiosk waiting outside the SoL, ready to take any Ls you can spare for the cause! For more information on the Relay for Life in Second Life, please visit this webpage!

Push the button, Frank!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Dear Rick Sloane, DIE.

Rick Sloane did it. He really did it. Thereby proving he is an enemy of the people and should be summarily judged and executed for treason to all that is good and decent in this world.

Also, he's back on the crack rock.

Buncha New Rifftrax!

Let's see, since my last RT update they've added:

Alien (I hope they do the sequel as well at some point, if only to see what they do with the 'Game Over' line)
The X-Files
Another one of those Star Trek Fan Series things

As always, check it out over at!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Space Cadet Friday!

Space, the final frontier... These are the voyages of the starship... um.. whatever. It's 3 hour mission, to explore strange bad movies, to seek out new riffs, to boldly say, "Logic? We don't need no steenkin' logic!"

This Friday, at 7pm PDT/SLT it's Space Travellers, starring the irrepressible Gene Hackman as Buzz McSweatsalot. Then at 8:30pm PDT/SLT it's everyone's favorite, Blast Hardnipple, in Space Mutiny!

So come on out, and bring your washing machines. Gene'll fix them for ya. :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Joe Don Baker Friday!

That's right folks, it's the moment we've suffered through several times before separately, now condensed into one night of pain! Come on out and bring your rack of ribs and extra BBQ sauce, cause Joe Don Baker is coming to dinner and he's HUNGRY!

At 7pm PDT/SLT it's Mitchell! Joe Don Baker's finest work since, well, our 8:30pm PDT/SLT feature which is Final Justice!

So come on out and remember, this is all Bawo's fault for saying he's never seen Mitchell. :P

Rifftrax News

Lots of news from the Rifftrax crew. First, available now for purchase and download is Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers. Additionally, there is another episode of Star Trek The New Voyages fan made series, with Bill and Kevin riffing alone. Then there is a remake of a movie called 'House of Wax' starring Paris Hilton and riffed by a British comedy writer, one Matthew J. Elliott.

Lastly, coming soon is Bill Corbett and Mary Jo Pehl (Crow and Pearl, respectively), riffing the (soon to be) first X-Files feature film.

Extra bonus for those who live in or near San Diego, Mike, Kevin and Bill will be riffing Ed Wood's classic 'Plan 9 From Outer Space' live on July 26th at SD's famous Balboa theater (named after Rocky, no doubt.. he was from San Diego, right? :P).

Anyway, check out the Rifftrax website for more info!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Deadly Saturday! New Time!

Insects.. Ah, insects....


This Saturday at 3pm PDT/SLT it's The Deadly Bees, stinging their way to your heart! Then at 4:30pm PDT/SLT it's The Deadly Mantis, she mates then she eats New York!

So bring you thorozine and come on out for an afternoon of the deadliest movies this side of The Fly. :)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Not one, not two...

But THREE new Cinematic Titanic episodes have been filmed, according to a new email I received from Joel and the crew!

I believe one of these episodes to be Roger Corman's 'The Wasp Woman' since they riffed that one in Dallas recently.

Keep an eye out for the preview and new episodes! :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The State of the SOL

Friends, MSTies, Fellow AVs, lend me your ears.
Why thank you, these sculpty ears are very realistic.

So, where do we stand as a theater?

First of all, we are 644 strong as a group (666 if you look in the group search results). That makes us one of the larger groups in SL, though by no means the largest.

We have 151 episodes in the player at the moment, with several more additions pending. Wikipedia lists 198 total so we're closing in on the whole set.

So why are some pending? Simply put, we're out of room.

For quite a while now our streaming server and bandwidth has come courtesy of, the Second Life Cable Network. Frankly if you're got a viewer, you should get down to the host segment end of the SOL and pick up a free SLCN screen. Wiz Nordberg and Texas Timtam have provided all of us a great service, but we've exhausted the space available on their server, and so we go out to search for a land of our own.

Just as the space issue began to make itself known, I attended a conference hosted by Sun Microsystems (an enterprise computer systems manufacturer). While attending a reception hosted by Sun, I won the door prize: a shiny new server! What luck, right when we need a server one is bestowed upon us by the riffing gods!

Now as a door prize, we have to maintain pretty low hopes for it to have all the bells and whistles, so I put the call out to all of you to help with the costs of upgrading the machine's components, namely the hard-drives and memory (we were lucky and Sun says the server has the best available processor). You all came through swimmingly, donating over 55,000 Lindens so far, worth roughly $200 US. I've used the revenue generated by my Tube-O-Rama venture to make up the rest of the needed funds and we've bought around $800 worth of parts so that the server will have 8Gb of RAM, 1Tb of redundant RAID-1 storage and a dual-core Opteron at 2.8 ghz. That all works out to a metric buttload of awesome server capable of handling all the episodes for some time to come.

So what's next? Well, the RAM has arrived, but I'm waiting on the shipment of hard-drives. I expect them this week. I then have to send our upgrade parts to the company that will be hosting our server and arrange for Sun to ship the server to them. The hosting company will then install our upgrade parts, install our server and let me know it's all ready to go. I will then go through the process of building the software that makes everything work, load all the episodes over to the new server, and change the video player to start using the new server.

Hosting is going to cost around $100 a month US, but so far the fundraiser posters and my Tube-O-Rama sales have left me confident that going forward we'll be able to cover the costs without worry.

While I have you I would like to make sure we thank the following people:

Myriad Qunhua - The Hostess With the Mostess.
Razzap Snookums - Provider of the land the SOL rests on.
Kenbro Utu - Builder of much of the SOL.
Dallas Flimflam - Builder of much of the SOL.
Zack Hodgson - Builder of the SOL hallway.

And of course Wiz and Texas for a whole lotta support along the way.

And you, you've been there attending the events, donating to the posters, making this all worthwhile. I hope you keep coming to the Friday events and maybe try a Saturday event on for size, keep inviting your friends out, and keep tossing a little Linden love our way.

Squeebee Wakawaka

Monday, May 19, 2008

Joel, Josh, Trace and Frank at Super-Con

Found this over at the official fan website! It's Joel talking about how MST3k started way back in the day! :) Then they take some questions. Enjoy it! :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Small New Feature!

I added a new feature to the Big List O' Episodes Available In The Theater (BLOEAITT!)

You can now see which episodes have been played recently for the group during the Double features/Preshow Fridays and Saturdays. And if you're OCD like I am, you'll truly enjoy the new feature. Feel free to suggest new features to add to the list! :)

Rifftrax Update!

Kevin and Bill have been busy little bees over at Rifftrax! Both Saw AND Star Trek: New Voyages - Phase II: World Enough And Time are available at this time! BUY MSTies! BUUUUYY!

Also, coming soon, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers!

Show Rifftrax some love, people! :)

The Torgo AV Contest!

Your challenge?

Create an AV of everyone's favorite lackey, Torgo!

  1. Torgo AV must include the Torgo theme music and preferably his stumbling walk!
  2. Feel free to group up to create this if you want!

  1. Winner(s) pick both movies for one of our Friday double features!
  2. Squee will use the AV for our own Torgo in the theater.
  3. Squee will provide vendor space in the SoLstore to sell your fabulous creation, free of charge!

Get those creative juices flowing! Mmmm Juice!

Additional details soon!

Tentative deadline is 1 month (6/17/08)!

Everyone be sure to thank Emiley for this great contest idea! :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Amazing Colossal Vacation Friday!

As Squee mentioned in a notice to the group, I will be away for most of the weekend due to unforeseen circumstances. However, I *may* be able to come by Friday evening (if I have wireless internet available and if I can get it to work, that is). I'll send an announcement Friday evening before the usual time if things can be worked out.

If I can make it, we'll be watching The Amazing Colossal Man at 7pm PDT/SLT and War of the Colossal Beast at 8:30pm PDT/SLT!

If not, feel free to dismember each other Highlander style, with the winner picking the movies to watch that evening! I'll be back next week! :)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Amazing Colossal Friday Redux!

Since we had theater issues this last Friday, I decided to postpone Amazing Colossal Friday till this coming Friday. So as the post below states:

Friday, at 7pm PDT/SLT it's The Amazing Colossal Man, followed by War of the Colossal Beast at 8:30pm PDT/SLT!

Come on this Friday for stress-free (I hope!) fun! :D

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Amazing Colossal Friday!

Do you want to be big? Sure, we all do. Tom Hanks once wished he was big! Well, thanks to the amazing power of ATOMIC ENERGY, you too can be BIG! For just a few seconds of exposure to nuclear tests, you too can grow to amazing sizes!

At 7pm PDT/SLT it's The Amazing Colossal Man, starring one of the biggest men in show biz. Then at 8:30pm PDT/SLT it's the critic-acclaimed sequel, War of the Colossal Beast!

So come on out tomorrow evening and bring the Extra Large MAGNUM brand condoms, just in case! :)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Wild West Saturday!

Yet another Saturday double feature this week! It's horses and gunslingers galore!

At noon PDT/SLT it's The Gunslinger, with um.. guns slinging everywhere! And um.. ok that's about all.. Then at 1:30pm PDT/SLT it's Last of the Wild Horses, with that singing woman from I Accuse My Parents.. Yeah that one. :P

So come on out for another Saturday afternoon of terrible movies! YEEHAW! :D

Big List O' Episodes

I made a nice little list of all the episodes available in the theater that I'm trying to keep up to date. Feel free to check if your favorite episode is available already. If not, feel free to spam Squeebee with episode requests! :)

View the list here:

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Flying Mole Friday!

This week, we visit two strange and wonderful worlds. The world of moles and big honkin' jets.

You guessed it (you did, right?), at 7pm PDT/SLT it's San Francisco International, with more references to Airplane than you can shake a stick at, and a more naked Dr. Forrester you will never find. Then at 8:30pm PDT/SLT it's The Mole People, which is some movie about mole people, I suppose. :P

Surely, you won't forget to come out tomorrow evening! (Not that I'm calling you Shirley!) :)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Am Legend!

No, seriously, I am!

In a strange coincidence, Mike and the human bots, Kevin and Bill made the Rifftrax for the movie I Am Legend available as of Monday. No doubt yet another hilarious take on the end of the world vampire disease by the Rifftrax Crew. :)

Go get it now! Now, I say! (

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Master Ninja Saturday!

Again, if you missed the announcement, there is a new Saturday event beginning this week! And what better way to inaugurate a new event than with geriatric ninjas? This Saturday, Lee Van Cleef has ninja stars, and he's not afraid to use them!

This Saturday starting at noon PDT/SLT, it's Season 3 Episode 22 Master Ninja I, starring Demi Moore as Lee Van Cleef! Then at 1:30pm PDT/SLT it's Master Ninja II: The Cleefening!

So bring your sais and come on out for some late 70s style television!



Welcome to the new blog!

This blog may be a bit redundant if you read the notices posted in Second Life. For those who prefer to get their news outside of the virtual world, this will hopefully be helpful. I'll try to make this a useful tool for anyone who is interested in MST3k though, and specifically for those who love both Second Life and Mystery Science Theater 3000. We will have announcements for events, news about both the theater and the various projects the former Brains are involved in, plus various other little things we find around the web and even in SL!

If you are new to either Second Life or Mystery Science Theater 3000, feel free to peruse the links to the right. Set the phasers on sarcastic and ready yourselves for SL MST3k Theater: The Blog! :)